Meet the Business

Alam Kita

"Because I am located on a very small island, it was difficult to get this credit card machine from the ordinary bank in here… so I was so happy to find out about Tab so the people can pay with their credit cards at last…!"

Owner, Alam Kita

More success stories

Hospedaje Blue Ocean

"When we started the business, we had a lot of no-shows. We were not able to charge clients' credit cards in advance - we could only charge the cards once they had arrived. So Tab helped us a lot as we can charge the customer a deposit in advance - we have no no-shows any more!"

Marlen & Marco
Owners, Hospedaje Blue Ocean
Read their story  ➞
Atitlan Sunset Lodge

"The ability for guests to pre-book with Tab, using Advance Bookings, gives security and trust."

Owner, Atitlan Sunset Lodge
Read their story  ➞
Tubagua Ecolodge

"Tab is easy to use. Guests like the security and convenience of processing the charge from their own phone."

Owner, Tubagua Ecolodge
Dominican Republic
Read their story  ➞

Ready to start taking Payments with Tab?

Apply for an account in 10 minutes, or book a call with our team and we'll answer any questions you have.

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