When did you open BigMama's Tours and what inspired you to do so?
Ahh, this is a good question! I really don't have kind of a date of when we opened, because I didn't sit back and think "Oh, I’m gonna open a transportation business" It kind of grew into a business and I couldn't do anything about it, it was like get on board or be run over! Everything was formalized in 2010, however I have been in the transportation business since 2008. The business grew totally by word of mouth.
What do you love most about BigMama's Tours?
I have so many things I love about BigMama's Tours, but the number one thing is meeting people from all around the world! When I get to sit with them we get to exchange culture, laugh, and have an absolute great time together. What has been the most rewarding part of opening BigMama's Tours? The ability to employ a person. I have people that depend on me for their livelihood. I push so that families can eat. But I run a tight ship hahaha!

What has been your biggest challenge and how have you overcome this?
My biggest challenge is growing in a predominantly male industry, I still fight sometimes hahaha, not many women have advanced in the industry as leading ladies and I am honored to be one of them that have. My shoulders had to be broad and my back had to be strong. I overcame it all by keeping my focus no matter how I was talked about and bullied - I kept my focus with God on my side.
Tell us about your team (how you built the team/what you love most)
Can I tell you the number one thing I look for? ENERGY That energy has to be right. It can't be sluggish or slow, I can't be pulling anyone. You have to be ready.
Everything else I can teach: Train you, but I can teach you energy or personality. My team members are all like me. Light-hearted, great personality and love what they do, love people and are funny!

How has Tab helped Big Mama's Tours?
For years I used PayPal paying extremely high fees, I knew nothing about Tab. Someone reached out to me with a presentation.
I was like hmm, I don't know. But I decided to look up Tab. I read reviews. I saw that they were open for a while, and that they not only offered the CC processing aspect but they were in the travel industry as well. So I decided to give it a try. Tab is my very best friend. I'm excited to work with Tab. I've referred them to so many people. The entire process with is easy and flawless. Tab made my business also grow tremendously with the easy in-person and advance booking features.... yaayyyyyyy TAB!
What is your favourite feature that Tab offers? Why?
Hands down, the advance booking and the fact that I can send a link to a client and wala, paid.....
But I would like to add. That is an expectation because that is what I signed up for. What I love best about TAB is Customer Service, you guys have stepped up, I email and it's not long before someone responds. Love it.
Why would you recommend Tab to another business?
Understatement: I ALREADY HAVE!
Why are the Bahamas a great place to visit?
I believe the people, we have food, sun, sand, beaches, resorts, and shopping but I don't believe a country is a country without the people. We have exceptionally friendly loving hospitable people and that makes a hell of a difference to the warmth and welcome of a nation.

What would your advice be for anyone thinking about starting their own tourism business?
I can only advise on what I know and what I've experienced, that is to someone that is already in the field of what they love. Work it to the best of your ability, never stop, try new aspects of it until it's exactly what you want. Formalize it and then reap the benefits.