Meet the Business

Ride On Bolivia Biking

"It's been amazing how easy Tab is to work with. It takes no more than 4 minutes to send an advance booking link and for the customer to pay - it's perfect if they're in a rush!"

Co-Founder, Ride On Bolivia Biking

More success stories

Hosteria Patagonia

"Tab was a turning point in our business, since it allowed us to charge in foreign currencies and allowed us all our reservations to be in order."

Owner, Hosteria Patagonia
Read their story  ➞
La Iguana Perdida

"Tab has enabled us to not have such large amount go through Paypal. It's been nice getting to work with a business right at the beginning. We met the Founders in March 2015 and hopefully have helped to promote them around Guatemala!"

Owner, La Iguana Perdida
Read their story  ➞
Chile Private Tours

"Tab has been a very practical solution for us to accept credit card payments from all over the world and receive payment in US dollars, in a safe and easy-to-use fashion."

Founder, Chile Private Tours
Read their story  ➞

Ready to start taking Payments with Tab?

Apply for an account in 10 minutes, or book a call with our team and we'll answer any questions you have.

If you prefer to only add your business to The Guide for now, you can do that here.