Meet the Business

Salty Jackal Backpackers

"We were never able to take payment other than cash before Tab, as we had no way of getting money from guests until they were at the hostel."

Owner, Salty Jackal Backpackers

More success stories

Jenna's River Bed & Breakfast

"Before Tab I was only able to accept a limited number of credit cards - Tab has changed that. I am so pleased that I can use Tab with my clients. It's fast, easy and I always get a smile when I ask for the selfie, that always surprises people!"

Founder, Jenna's River Bed & Breakfast
Read their story  ➞
BigMama's Tours & Taxi

"Tab is my very best friend. I'm excited to work with you guys. I've referred you to so many people."

Owner, BigMama's Tours
Read their story  ➞
Ride On Bolivia Biking

"It's been amazing how easy Tab is to work with. It takes no more than 4 minutes to send an advance booking link and for the customer to pay - it's perfect if they're in a rush!"

Co-Founder, Ride On Bolivia Biking
Read their story  ➞

Ready to start taking Payments with Tab?

Apply for an account in 10 minutes, or book a call with our team and we'll answer any questions you have.

If you prefer to only add your business to The Guide for now, you can do that here.