When did you open Tikal VIP Tours and what inspired you to do so?
In September 2019, I was inspired to do that because it had been my dream since I was a kid and I always wanted to be a guide. When I saw Tab Business, I thought it was going to be easier to provide a better service when charging the guest.
What do you love most about Tikal VIP Tours?
That tourists like the name and that they know they will have good service, and the experience of a lifetime.
What has been your biggest challenge and how have you overcome this?
The fact that I could not charge credit cards before I found Tab Business - now everything is easy for Tikal VIP Tours and our guests.
Tell us about your team - how you built the team and what you love the most.
We are a tour guide and a driver in the low season, but in the high season there can be up to 3 guides working. What I love is that we all like to assist the tourist.
How has Tab helped Tikal VIP Tours?
It has helped me with the most difficult thing, charging credit cards, because sometimes tourists don’t want to carry cash.
Why would you recommend Tab to another business?
Because this will be a way to get more clients and provide better services.
Why is Guatemala a great place to visit?
Because we are one of the 19 countries around the world known as mega-diverse in terms of flora and fauna. It is Latin America’s capital of culture, because of the ancient sites it has like Tikal, Lake Atitlan, Antigua, and all the volcanes.
What would your advice be for anyone thinking about starting their own tour business?
That they should do it! Don’t be afraid - if you like what you are planning you will have success. Tourism is a great industry.
You can find out more about Tikal VIP Tours on their website at https://www.tikalviptours.com/.