Meet the Business

Guerrera Rice Paddy Villas and Restaurant

"Tab has made us legit! In a place this far out, cash has been the only way to do business as the banks just haven't caught up. But most of our clients from abroad prefer to pay with their cards."

Owner, Guerrera Rice Paddy Villas and Restaurant

More success stories

Ecotourism Nam Et-Phou Louey

"Collecting advance and instant credit card payments in Lao currency (LAK) with free payouts to Lao bank accounts! A game changer!"

Ecotourism Advisor, Ecotourism Nam Et-Phou Louey
Read their story  ➞
Guerrera Rice Paddy Villas and Restaurant

"Tab has made us legit! In a place this far out, cash has been the only way to do business as the banks just haven't caught up. But most of our clients from abroad prefer to pay with their cards."

Owner, Guerrera Rice Paddy Villas and Restaurant
Read their story  ➞
Chile Private Tours

"Tab has been a very practical solution for us to accept credit card payments from all over the world and receive payment in US dollars, in a safe and easy-to-use fashion."

Founder, Chile Private Tours
Read their story  ➞

Ready to start taking Payments with Tab?

Apply for an account in 10 minutes, or book a call with our team and we'll answer any questions you have.

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