What do you love most about SAUCE Hotel Boutique?
We can share our love for the culture and arts and crafts from our country and also our love for our mother earth. We're conscious about the environment and try to do our bit by avoiding the use of plastic, using renewable energy and ecological products and organic food.

What has been your biggest challenge and how have you overcome this?
The Pandemic has hit us hard as any others in this country and line of business. TAB was a relief as the charge percents are reasonable and it's easy to use.
Why is Ollantaytambo a great place to visit?
Ollantaytambo has many hidden treasures waiting to be discovered, and it has been chosen among the most beautiful towns to visit by Best Tourism Villages in 2021 (OMT) from 174 other villages. You can enjoy the gastronomie, the art, dances and ancestral culture. It's the last living Inca town.

What would your advice be for anyone thinking about starting their own hotel business?
To be patient and original, that's the key to have a successful business in time.
What do you like about Tab?
The many ways to charge a credit card, the percentages that TAB charges for each reservation are reasonable and it's easy to use and to have in a cellular instead an external device