Meet the Business

Soho Rentals Apartments

"Tab has been a total game changer for our business. Since we started using the platform, the payment process is much more streamlined, efficient and transparent."

Owner, Soho Rentals Apartments

More success stories

Free Spirit Hostel Ecuador

"We can now take card payments, which we couldn't before."

Owner, Free Spirit Hostel
Read their story  ➞

"With Tab, payment processing has become seamless, saving us hours of manual work each week and allowing us to focus more on curating exceptional tours."

Juan Carlos
Read their story  ➞
Aqui Hoy

"It’s extremely quick to get a response. within 24 hours or less. I don’t see that with the other tourism businesses and online travel agents I use."

Owner, Aqui Hoy
Read their story  ➞

Ready to start taking Payments with Tab?

Apply for an account in 10 minutes, or book a call with our team and we'll answer any questions you have.

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